Monday, 28 January 2013

Importance of Castor Seeds

Castor seeds are generally known as castor beans. This is a flowering plant and belongs to Euphorbiaceae family. This plant is found in the tropical regions. Castor oil is extracted from these seeds. The seeds contain triglycerides, which is mainly ricinolein and these also contain a toxin ricin. This is a considered as a protoplasmic poison and causes death of cell if they bind to the cells. They disturb the protein metabolism and DNA synthesis. But ricin has antiviral and analgesic properties.
castor seeds

For treating carbuncles, migraines and inflammation of skin the paste from these castor seeds is applied. You should apply it twice in a day and continue using it for 15 days. Though these seeds are not consumed by humans, but the oil is used by us. Beauticians generally use the oil to enhance the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. For treating constipation and indigestion this oil is considered as the best. It is noted for its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is used for treating depression and swollen lymph glands. If you massage with the oil extracted from castor seed you can be relieved from joint problems like rheumatism and arthritis. Treating hair with this oil is a very popular method for cleaning dandruff.

There are several companies who deal with natural herbs and herbal products. They have experts who look after the manufacturing of these natural products. The farmers who works under them are experienced enough to cultivate the right variety of plant. Most of these companies send these natural herbs and herbal extracts to pharmaceutical, cosmetic and flavor industries. You can directly contact them or you can visit their websites to know more about these plants and the products extracted from these plants. Try to find quality seeds from these companies which you can use for longer period.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Sponge Gourd And Its Associated Benefits

Sponge gourd belongs to plant of Cucurbitaceae family. These are used as kitchen and bath sponge. These are also used as vegetables in various parts of the world. This gourd is considered as a powerhouse of nutrition. It is rich in dietary fiber, zinc, riboflavin, iron and Vitamin C. The low fat content has made them very popular among people who are into dieting. This used for curing jaundice. The ridges of this gourd is pounded and squeezed to extract the juice from these vegetables. You can even consume the dried gourd seeds which are grinded to form powder.

Sponge Gourd
Sponge gourd is also noted as blood purifying agent. It nourishes and protects the liver. You can use this for lowering sugar level in the blood. Other these benefits there are another important aspect of this gourd. It is used for skin care. These are harvested for making bath sponge. The gourd is allowed to dry when they become mature. The seeds and skin is removed from the main body. This is used as a product for exfoliation. The dead cells of skin are removed so that the skin remains smooth.  Proper care should be taken while storing these products.

There are companies from where you can buy seeds of sponge gourd. These companies supply the best type of seeds to the farmers. Most of these seeds are resistant to various diseases and weather conditions.

 These companies have experts who look after the extracting and storing these seeds. They take special care while storing the seeds. There are even companies from where you can buy bathing sponge. These sponges are available in various shapes and sizes. You can even check various websites to get information about companies who are into this business. Try to get information about the price associated with these products.