Wednesday, 18 September 2013

How Tomato Juice Benefits Human Body

Just a cup of tomato juice everyday will be enough to protect you against cancer, keep you at a safe distance from high cholesterol and take care of your heart as well! And you thought that it was only about a glass of Bloody Mary? The juice of tomato is made after processing tomatoes and adding flavors and spices to taste. A few of the manufacturers also prefer to add salt to the solution. The pure juice without any spices can even be applied to the skin for a healthy and glowing skin.

Nutritional Value of the Tomato Juice

Consumption of the juice is slowly becoming popular after its benefits are becoming known. It isn’t that they weren’t known earlier, just not so well discussed as it is today. With the consumption of a single cup of this juice your body can gain from a number of essential nutrients. In fact, around seventy four percent of Vitamin C that you are supposed to have, you can get it directly by having a cup of juice. In the same way around 2 percent of the Vitamin A requirements are fulfilled. Apart from that your body also benefits from the presence of protein, iron, phosphorous, fat, calories and carbohydrates, Vitamin K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, potassium and magnesium that are present in the juice.

Benefits of Drinking Tomato Juice

There are several ways that your body’s immunity is restored, strengthened and rejuvenated with the tomato juice and the results are incomparable. It helps you to stay protected from various types of cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease and protect the DNA that is found in your white blood cells.  Apart from this it is also good for your skin as it helps in curing acne, opening the pores of the skin, works as an astringent and lightens the skin with regular application.
So much to gain from just a cup of juice every day! Don’t you think you should start this on an immediate basis and restore your body’s immunity to live a healthy life hereafter.